Marriage Licenses
Marriage licenses are recorded with the Gray County Clerk's office. In order to apply for a license, both applicants must meet certain requirements and must present themselves in person at the County Clerk's Office.
An informal marriage license can be obtained by a couple who has agreed to be married, and after the agreement, they live together in this state and represent themselves to others as married.
Requirements Summary
Both applicants must submit proof of age and identity by certified copy of the applicant's birth certificate, license, or document issued by the state of Texas or another state, the United States, or a foreign government.
Each applicant is required to present their social security number (if applicable).
Applicants under 18 must present a certified copy of their court order "Removal of Disabilities of Minority" granted by the State of Texas or another state. (See Marriage License Requirements below for full details)
Neither applicant may have been divorced within the last 30 days unless they meet certain exceptions from this requirement. (See Marriage License Requirements below for full details)
Additional requirements are listed in Marriage Requirements (see below)
Marriage License $81
Informal Marriage License $46
The fee for a certified copy of a marriage license is $8.
The cost of the license can be reduced to $21, saving you $60 on the purchase of your license, as well as waiving the 72 hours. To receive the discount you must attend a pre-marital class and bring documentation with you showing proof of counseling.
All active Military, being deployed to a hostile fire zone, will have all fees waived on certified copies of a birth certificate, issuance of a marriage license, certified copies of a marriage license, and fees for transferring title to real property.