Marks & Brands
Beginning August 31, 2021, Brand Renewals can be done in person at the Gray County Clerk's Office, or through a mail in application. If renewal is done through the mail, the application must be signed in front of a notary and sent with a copy of the applicant's ID.
Fee $25 per Brand for one location plus $5 for each additional location.
Fee is payable by Cashier's Check or Money Order ONLY for mail in applications.
Texas Agriculture Code, Section 144.041 requires the county clerk maintain a record of the marks and brands of each person who applies to the clerk for that purpose. A person may record their marks and brands in as many counties as necessary. It is the person's responsibility to ensure the brand they are wanting to file has not already been filed by another person. Within 30 days of the filing, the county clerk will forward a copy of the recorded Marks and Brands Application to Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association.
Texas Agriculture Code, Section 144.044 requires each person owning livestock as of August 30, 1981 to have their marks and brands filed with the county clerk within six months plus at 10 year increments (1981, 1991, 2001, 2011, 2021, etc.). After the expiration of the six month period every 10 years (March1, 1982, 1992, 2002, 2012, 2022 etc.) the marks and brands not renewed have no force and affect and become available to the general public for use.