The Department of Defense encourages all military personnel to record their discharge papers (DD214) for safekeeping with the County Clerk of residence. There is no fee for recording your discharge in Gray County. The original will be returned to you at the time of recording.
Recording the military discharge provides a permanent record for future proof of service for veteran's benefits and other uses. If you move at some point after recording your DD214 here, you should also have it recorded in the County Clerk's office in your new home county.
Texas Government Code, Sec. 552.140(a)(b) defines the military discharge record as confidential for 75 years from the date it is recorded, if filed on or after September 1, 2003. Only qualified applicants may obtain certified copies. In order to have access or receive copies you must be:
The veteran who is the subject of the record
The legal guardian of the veteran*
The spouse, child or parent of the veteran, or if there is no living spouse, child or parent- the nearest living relative of the veteran*
The personal representative of the estate of the veteran*
The person named by the veteran in an appropriate power of attorney*
Another governmental body, such as a Veteran's Service Officer or Law Enforcement
*Proof of legal authorization and personal identification is required.
Certified copies of your recorded military discharge will be available at no charge, if for a veteran benefit claim.
Only qualified applicants may obtain certified copies free of charge.